Introduction to Neuroscience and Neurotechnology – Hemi Sync and the Monroe Institute.
Brain waves, neuroplasticity – concepts and practical applications.
Introductory exercise, short induction for relaxation.
Questions before the Hemi Sync exercise:
- What does stress mean to you?
- How much space does it occupy in your daily life?
- What does relaxation mean to you?
- What do you think about a rhythm of life that would include relaxation as a way of being?
- We all face daily stress. How do you see yourself making room in your daily routine for a relaxation technique to counteract stress?
Exercise and individual feedback.
Questions after the exercise:
- What is your relationship with stress and what role does it play in your life?
What is your relationship with relaxation and its role?
- During the Hemi Sync exercise you had a state of relaxation – how did you feel compared to other moments of pause in your life?
Enter the former 2 Hemi Sync
Individual feedback session.