Consciously led organizations can transform the world


For a real and lasting change it is necessary to go through a process.
Using the principle of neuroscience and Hemi Sync neurotechnology, our program will accompany you in this process during 4-8 hours of personalized training.


In order to facilitate the organizational changes, a new set of patters will be provided throughout the training. Applying the patterns will enable you to understand HOW the change will take place.


During the training we will use HemiSync neurotechnology, alongside with other practical exercises that will facilitate the CREATION and IMPLEMENTATION of change. One of the most values tools includes understanding the impact meditation has, and the extent to which is it used as a mental training when one aims for success.

Employees will be coached by surgeon and psychologist Dr. Lorelei Nassar and her team who will equip them with innovative methods of mental trainings through which they will change their lives for the better. The company and its staff members will enjoy the only specialist in Romania with such qualifications!

Corporate Trainings

lorelei nassar – coperta noua

Outcomes – Be THAT Person:

• Practical benefits of mindfulness
• Increased self-confidence
• Prosperity
• Healthy approach to money
• Improved health
• Accelerated healing process when needed
• Improved relationships with family members, friends and colleagues
• Reduced stress
• Enhanced lifespan
• Taking full ownership for oneself with respect to all fields and domains of activity.