How is
How is your life? Is it exactly how you wanted it to be? If not, join our courses! If yes, join us and tell others how you managed to get there!
You will learn how to train your mind so that you can build your reality, the life YOU WANT!
You will learn how to shape your brain waves so that your body is in the best shape, and to reach any target you have set for yourself with maximum efficiency and minimum time. This is because the mind influences the body, but also your entire universe!
You will learn to personally and professionally grow and develop according to your maximum coordinates.
You will learn to heal and actively participate in the healing of your loved ones.
You will learn how to make money by removing prejudices such as ``only through hard work can one be rich.``
You will learn how to focus on any relationships, be it neighbors, with your partner or at work, to your full satisfaction and fulfillment.
Mindfulness is seen as a science of mental training. Because our mind is similar to a muscle, it can increase its size through exercise, just like our biceps we pump at the gym. Each new learning process creates new neural connections –by practicing the neural connections of success, you will be successful. By practicing health, you will be healthier, and by practicing love you will receive love.
You don’t have to sit in the lotus posture on top of the mountain for years – we live in different times, so we use NEUROTECHNOLOGY to achieve in half an hour the same results that Buddhist monks attained in years / see “resources”.
With Hemi Sync technology, which brings the cerebral hemispheres into a state of coherence, you will be able to use your brain’s potential to the fullest, connecting many neurons to create large areas in the brain that can change behaviors, genetic baggage – see Epigenetics – and thus, our lives.
SAM / Spatial Angle Modulation technology uses a single frequency with a tone modulation that influences the regional activity of the brain and induces changes in consciousness. The smooth flow of sound frequencies with SAM neurotechnology is very effective in creating an optimal individual experience / see resources,
“By practicing medical hypnosis we have learned how much our mind influences our body – and about the influence of the mind on our own reality, our life directly, you will find out with us.”
Dr Lorelei Nassar
Meditation removes the permanent buzz of worry “What if it’s not fine?” Everything is FINE as it is.
Quantum physics experiments – the void has energy / consciousness. Famous physicists who linked science to consciousness: Niels Bohr, Thomas Campbell, Russel Targ, David Bohm, John Wheeler, Eugene Wigner Michael Talbot – physicist, author of The Holographic Universe, Edgar Mitchell – astronaut, Apollo 14. Founder The Noetic Institute. Amit Goswami
“Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.” Erwin Schrodinger